Woods Building LLC                                                          

Home Inspection Services

Not too long ago home inspections were strictly for those purchasing a home.  Today we are finding that sellers as well as those remaining in their homes are having home inspections completed for very good reasons. 

When selling a home you will find that purchase offers will often contain a clause “offer contingent upon satisfactory home inspection”.  Most buyers will have a professional home inspection completed to verify the condition.  The last thing you want is the deal to fall through because of unknown problems, especially if these problems are minor and easily repaired.  Problems uncovered during the buyer’s inspection are often used to negotiate further price reductions that often exceed the actual cost of repairs.  In this competitive market completing a pre-sale inspection is prudent along with other pre-sale improvement steps.  A pre-sale home inspection is a confidential document that is presented only to the seller of the home.

Those who have no intention of moving should still consider having some type of home inspection completed.  A periodic home inspection can help to expose problems in their infancy.  The most likely culprit of damage is from moisture intrusion into the roof, walls, windows, doors, and basement.  Because homes are subject to constant temperature changes, exposure to sun and rain, movement from wind and settling, these problems do occur and often are not discovered until damage is visible in the interior of your home.  Plumbing, heating/cooling, and electrical systems can also be inspected for future problems.  Most of us have our cars inspected from time to time, your home is no different except it has a higher value and you will likely own it for many years to come.

The cost of a home inspection will vary greatly based on the reasons above.  A basic inspection of your home can start as low as $100.  A full scale home inspection with reports and documentation will depend on the size of the home.  If you would like more information please contact us anytime.

Woods Building LLC
(313) 882-8069